Celina Primary B.A.R.K.

Celina Primary B.A.R.K. is in the “Spotlight”

Laura shared that her “timesaver” is that she always has “the next” mentoring folder ready for the student. Of course this may change if the student is ready for a new Level; but usually works. Plus, the program can go on if she is absent. Laura has 16 kids (3 on waiting list) participating right now (1st and 2nd graders), and about 30, mostly community, volunteers. She also has some kids doing the program with staff members. Every kid has at least 4 sessions a week on average.

Laura’s program is very organized, as you will see in the photos below.


Folders are ready for the Mentors:

What the Mentor needs:

Seasonal extras:

What to do if finished early:


Laura has also made fluency/mentoring training videos. They are excellent resources for your Mentor Trainings; and for your mentors to have access as a reminder.

This is the link: http://CelinaCitySchoolsmentorfluencytraining


Celina Primary B.A.R.K.
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