Amy Freeman, 1:1 Reading Mentoring Program Director:
Amy has worked with students and adults with disabilities for over 45 years. She was the co-director of a 1:1 reading mentoring program for 15 years including training and professional development support for over 300 schools. She collaborated in creating the reading mentoring materials that schools use to help their students reading below grade level. Amy has also worked as a: teacher, sheltered workshop director, behavior specialist, superintendent, state-wide preschool reviewer, and regional DD program consultant. Amy has her B.S. and M.Ed. in Special Education from Bowling Green State University.
In Memoriam: Debby Ambroza was 1:1 OCECD’s Reading Mentoring Specialist and co-author of the reading mentoring resources:
Debby worked with and for students with disabilities for over 45 years. Her K-12 grades of students had IEPs for ID, DD, MD, ED, SLD, At Risk, etc. Debby piloted this 1:1 reading mentoring program in her classroom using the materials from that were created for the Mentors to use. Debby saw her students make quicker and more substantial progress in reading, as well as more gains in self-confidence, than she had previously experienced.
Debby and Amy provided training and support to schools and families throughout Ohio for 18 years.
Please contact Amy Freeman for more information: [email protected]; or 419-764-9130