Reward Coupons for Students! (No shopping required)
Paws 2 Read Coupons to Print Paws to Read reward forms PawsReadingIncentiveNotetoMentors
Paws 2 Read Coupons to Print Paws to Read reward forms PawsReadingIncentiveNotetoMentors
Included is the PowerPoint we used in the training. The Role Playing is an important part of Mentor Training. Learning About the M4RA Mentoring Program 1 30 15 (3) Inspire Coordinators Training Guidebook Final Inspire Mentor GuideBook
Thank you Janis! These are excellent. Here are some things that I have been using this year. I have revamped a lot of the material to make the questions more PARCC like, therefore some of them are higher level thinking skills using their reading level. I did this because they are seeing these questions regardless […]
A coordinator shared she wants to motivate students to increase the Cold Read wpm. A chart has been created: When a student increases his/her cold reads by 5 wpm; he/she receives a snowflake sticker to add to his/her chart. When there are five stickers; the student will receive a reward. Cold Read Gains
Thank you for sharing your creations! When a student moves up to the next Comprehension Reading Pack Level: Congrats Next Level