Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD)

 Established in 1972, the Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD) is a statewide, non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the educational interests of children with disabilities. OCECD promotes efforts to provide appropriate quality education for children and youth with disabilities, to insure public policy and school reform efforts, and always consider best practices for students with disabilities.


OCECD is composed of over 35 parent and professional organizations representing over 50,000 individuals. Staff across Ohio collaborates with local parent support organizations to offer information, training and support to parents of children with any disability ages birth-26.


About OCECD Fact Sheet 4 2015

About OCECD Fact Sheet 4 2015 Spanish Version

Newsletter: Transition   http://www.ocecd.org/protected/ArticleView.aspx?iid=5I3BY0&dasi=3IU0

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